The crypto currency advertise looks quite great nowadays. Bitcoin’s ascent signals bullish season. Be that as it may, security issues still remain an issue. One of the most compelling motivations for this is the absence of security and protection coins. I lean toward the coins who care increasingly about security utilizing the Zerocoin convention. Since these coins can’t be followed, they can’t be edited by governments or banks. Along these lines, our crypto cash exchange business is considerably more private. Along these lines, the two programmers and states can’t follow and meddle with the computerized resources I claim. Furthermore, another trademark highlight of security coins is the dynamic “Verification of Stake” framework. This enables you to acquire easy revenue in the measure of benefits you have in your wallet. Before I go to the task, I’ll endeavor to disclose to you what the Zerocoin convention means, and why it’s so a lot more secure.

What is Veil?

Veil is the protection coin of all the security coin. They help the issue for obscurity/security in the meantime utilizing their blend of half breed agreement calculation and basic innovation.

They are meaning to serve the best protection for its clients, best security, benefit around network and a stable/available cryptographic money for the world. To remain at the bleeding edge of the business.

We should discuss their specialized separation that make Veil one of a kind .

  1. Reasonable LAUNCH
    A non ICO venture with just 1 million USD in seed reserve and as yet proceeding to build up an undertaking with this class. Practically incomprehensible however, I won’t make reference to that Veil CEO is likewise CEO of PivX that influence these things to occur.
  2. Unknown EARNING
    Stake your Veil anonymously and get rewarded anonymously. Same as mining.
  3. Continuously ON PRIVACY
    From it’s staking up to mining rewards, everything is unknown. Exchanges are obvious, it occurred, it’s a unimportant meaning of the trustless framework.
  4. Client FOCUSED
    Usability, easy to understand interface, simple seed recuperation/reinforcement, extra room agreeable, this protection coin won’t be a genuine annoyance when purchasing your first security coin.
    Having the best hidden innovation utilizing both Zerocoin and RingCT innovation, Veil can possibly develop as the best security coin. Additionally with the group that drives the improvement for this undertaking, the network whose likewise helping the group and getting remunerated, you tell without anyone else’s input.


Veil combines Bitcoin version 0.17.1, the world’s most secure block chaining software, with advanced, cryptography-based privacy protocol Zerocoin. In this way, the crypto can send its money and hide it perfectly. No matter where in the world, you can perform cryptocurrency transactions completely anonymously.

The Veil project runs the PoW and PoS consensus system together. The “Proof of Stake” and “Proof of Work” systems are a passive income method that allows users to make more money by approving blocks than they do.

Innovative arrangements of the task Veil

What is Veil — another mysterious cryptographic money which is furnished with the most cutting edge innovations? Made to conceal our exchanges with you inside the system. Appropriate for each one of the individuals who consider their security and need to remain online mysterious. The undertaking proposed various specialized arrangements. The venture will utilize the propelled convention Zerocoin, Dandelion convention, compulsory stealth addresses RingCT, Bitcoin Core adaptation 0.17.1. Additionally, for the creation of Veil, PoW innovation arrangements with the X16RT Mining Algorithm and PoS only with Zerocoin will likewise be incorporated.

Bitcoin Core form 0.17.1.
 As I understand it is the latest software version that allows you to connect to the Bitcoin network. To conduct transactions in the inside of the network. As I understand it, a wallet of our new project VEIL is built on its basis. And it supports Windows, macOS, Linux, paper wallet.

Proof-of-Work — Proof-of-Stake
 The Veil project presented us with a hybrid solution for mining their coins. For PoW, the new advanced algorithm (X16RT) will be used. And for PoS will be used (Exclusively with Zerocoin). So this is also an excellent technological solution from the project team. Also in the project documentation states that will be produced 300. 000.000 coins Veil. Estimated time end of mining in 2037.

Technological solutions for anonymity network

Here is the project Veil tried to glory. Gathering all private technology from various projects together. Which gives network users such as high anonymity. Do not forget that anonymity ends on the exchanger. Don’t forget about it.

  • Team Veil decided to use the development of recent years. Ice over them and give us a unique product that cannot be traced. Great team decision. Zerocoin, Dandelion, and RingCT will provide us with the complete privacy of our data with you.
  • Dandelion protocol
     A protocol that mixes all transaction data. What makes it almost impossible to track the source data of the transaction and IP addresses. Thus bringing anonymity to a new, inaccessible level.
  • Zerocoin
     Well, let’s start with the main. Zerocoin protocol improvements will be used in the Veil project. In simple words, Zerocoin allows you to hide the trace of cryptocurrency transactions. An anonymous Zcoin coin (XZC) is built on its basis. For those who want to learn more about this protocol:
  • RingCT
     The technology that is used in Monero cryptocurrency. Which creates a number of signatures on the transaction thereby not allowing to determine the original source of sending. It will also be used by the Veil project to protect your anonymity.

Core Systems Forming the Veil Project

Confirmation of Stake: Thanks to the open doors given by the Veil Project, you can make automated revenue in the quantity of coins you grasp. For whatever length of time that your wallet stays open, you can procure a foreordained measure of money by affirming exchanges in the Veil blockchain.

Bitcoin Core 0.17.1: The Veil venture utilizes Bitcoin Core 0.17.1 programming, the most developed programming. This product is the most state-of-the-art programming in the present framework. What’s more, security vulnerabilities have been limited and firewalls have been expanded.

Zerocoin convention: This convention is the most secure convention for the unknown preparing of cash. Because of this convention, you can play out the majority of your tasks secretly and untraceable. With this framework, which is the regular inclination of all realized security coins, you can make sure that your advanced resources are in safe hands.

Shroud wallet: When you introduce the Veil Wallet, you first form a 24-word firewall. These 24 words should just be known by you and ought to be utilized again when you restore the wallet. What’s more, on account of the innovation and Zero and Base coin, your wallet will remain always difficult to reach except if you let it. Veil wallet would now be able to be utilized on Windows, Linux and macOS frameworks. Android and iOS wallets are still in the product stage.


You can take in increasingly about the task from the connections beneath or from the Coinmarketcap site.You likewise on the off chance that you care about protection and security, I propose you audit the Veil Project. Your crypto cash experience might disillusion in light of the fact that different altcoins available are detectable and are not verify enough. The Veil Project does not just enable you to perform crypto exchange secretly, it additionally enables you to make easy revenue. Project expects to give most extreme protection to its clients through its engineering. The easy to understand interface is accessible for download from the stages referenced previously. The venture that can be communicated in thousands has gone from the blockchain world today. Lamentably, a large portion of these ventures have pulled back from the market in the wake of making ICOs and raising assets. It is significant that Veil is a practical venturer is a significant advance forward in the improvement of blockchain innovation. This must be evaluated, and the Veil labs must be kept alive. We as a whole have confidence in crypto cash. Also, I need my wallet to be uncommon to me. I need to complete my article with the sentence I composed. Protection is the common right of us all. Veil coin is around$ 0.32 at the season of composing this article. The all out supply available for use is around 14 million and is extremely low.


Imperative on each undertaking achievement is the group. Veil Team is comprised of devoted individuals with an engaged mission and it is the venture’s Research&Development element with an objective to push the specialized limits for security and namelessness without bargaining versatility and execution.

I can’t introduce them 1 by 1 better than what you could see available on their website, here : I would rather state what I like about the team and that is the experience and field of specialties that is important for Veil-Projects development.

The founder of Veil itself James Burden is also the founder of PivX, I could say that he is developing Veil as the better version of PivX with a mixture of Monero tech to develop the best privacy coin.

Summarized words about the TEAM :

Veil Team is not new in the space, specially on privacy coins, some of them are specialist on RavenCoin (X16RT hashing algorithm specialist), PivX core members, Crypto Evangelists, and many to mention. I believe that they could deliver improvements and developments towards Veil-Project.

Sketch image of Veil Founder : James Burden

Monero at the time, as well as today, has decent privacy, but not as good as it can be, which is why we started PIVX, and by merging both technologies, we get Veil. — James Burden










Bitcointalk name: blezinworld

Bitcointalk Profile :;u=2285743;sa=summary

VEIL ADDRESS: bv1qd3ggszngu6aznwm4slqnfpufecfx9tazvnzlfq

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